Monday 15 September 2014

Farm Fresh - Week 2

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Another Monday, another farm share post! As a reminder, Other Half and I recently purchased a share in a local CSA program and each week I'll be sharing what we received and what we plan to do with it, along with any winner recipes that may come from it. Last week was a success with both this Spinach Pasta Bake and this Tomatillo Salsa Verde.

This week was just as plentiful and just as exciting.  Before picking up our share we were worried that it was going to be a carbon copy of the week before, which wouldn't have been terrible because we love what we received, but variety is the spice of life ... or so they say.

Happily this week was different enough that meal planning cogs started turning almost immediately! Here's what we got:

1 (very) large eggplant
4 cobs of corn
1 bunch of swiss chard
2 large red bell peppers
2 large onions
2 large tomatoes
2 bulbs of garlic
5 large red potatoes
1 bag of mixed salad greens
2 cantaloupes

I've always wanted to try making garlic parmesan fries like these, so at least a few of the potatoes will hopefully be going towards that.  The corn is destined for a Mexican corn salad in which I'm hoping to emulate the flavours of the amazing corn bar at our recent wedding. The bell peppers, swiss chard and eggplant will go towards stuffed peppers, hopefully of the thai curry variety and the cantaloupe took our smoothies to the next level last week, so at least one of them will continue to be used for those, but hopefully the other will find its way into some sort of dessert. Phew! It's going to be a busy week!

What are you cooking up this week?

Until next time!

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