Sunday 23 March 2014

Link Love-In: Because the sun is out

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The weather has (finally) turned and it's warm and sunny! I'm going to spend the day working reading in the sun, and I hope you can do the same, wherever you are in the world. Here's a collection of things read in the past few weeks, just in case you need some inspiration!

If you have any suggestions of your own, please pass them along!

Call me old fashioned, but between the Then and Now advertisements, I always prefer the "Then".  The copy in the top lego advert is also worth a read. (via The Huffington Post)

Photoshop vs. the world seems to be a pretty big deal these days. And while I can be lured in by a glossy mag just like the next girl, but this set of images from Aerie are way more 'shopspirational' than your average ad. At least I can guess what it might look like on me. (via Refinery29)

Evolution made easy, courtesy of e.coli - fascinating. (via The Huffington Post Canada)

This Lego-Man travel photography is something awesome. (via GeekSugar)

The Kitchn's Grower Tour series is great, I hope they do more. This is an old one on Sour Cherries and it is just so interesting! It makes me wish I was back in Southern Ontario so I could get some of my own. (via The Kitchn)

I'm already looking forward to my next kitchen, and I don't even know where it is, or when I will have it. But that doesn't stop me from collecting ideas. (via The Kitchn)

Rummage sales area a breezy Saturday afternoon's dream. Just look at what you might find - all of these were uncovered and developed years after her death. Street photography for the win.

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